Course Overview: This course was designed for sales and executives working in the rubber industry. Centered around practical explanations and basic fundamentals, this is the perfect course for the non-technical individual. The course will cover the following topics:
– Key raw materials used in rubber compounding
– What a rubber formulation looks like
– Costing a rubber formulation
– Types of mixing processes
– Types of fabrication processes
– Interpreting a test specification
– Interpreting test results
– Basic testing methods
*Please note that all memberships will be verified. If you are unsure if your ORG membership is current, please contact Denise Kotz.
September 24 Hotel address: Hilton Garden Inn, 8971 Wilcox Dr., Twinsburg, Ohio 44078
September 25 ACE address: 6800 N. Chestnut St., Ravenna, OH 44266